When temperatures reach record lows, homes throughout Kansas City experience frozen pipes. Although frozen pipes sometimes thaw and your family can continue with their normal routine, that’s not always the case. When a pipe freezes, the ice expands and puts pressure on it from the inside—often resulting in a burst pipe. Frozen pipes aren’t a joking matter; their effects can be devastating to a homeowner, causing irreparable damage or leaving your family without water for days.
If a frozen pipe bursts in your Kanas City Metro or Johnson County area home, contact Top Notch Heating, Cooling & Plumbing immediately! Our plumbing experts will repair your pipe as quickly as possible in order to prevent further damage to your home.
Burst Pipe Prevention
If you notice a frozen pipe in your home, there is a way to help thaw it yourself—reducing the chance of bursting! Before attempting to thaw the pipe, you must turn OFF your water supply! You also need to turn ON the faucets near the frozen pipe, this will allow the pipe to relieve pressure when the ice begins to thaw. Once the water supply is shut off and your faucets are turned on, use a hairdryer on the lowest setting and warm the length of the pipes starting at the end nearest to the faucet. Do this slowly—if done too fast the pipe will burst.
How to Take Control of Your Burst Pipe
Sometimes prevention doesn’t work and a burst pipe is inevitable. Take control of the situation and follow these steps to minimize damage to your home.
Shut Off Your Water
As soon as you notice a pipe has burst in your home, turn off the water! If the water remains on, you will experience even more damage to your home. Depending on if you live in a home or an apartment, you should also shut off the electricity in the area that is affected. This will minimize the risk of someone being electrocuted while interacting with the excess water in your home. If you live in an apartment and aren’t able to shut off your own power supply, contact your apartment complex immediately.
Call a Plumber ASAP
A burst pipe requires a professional that knows how to properly handle the situation. Before the below-freezing temperatures arrive, you should find out which reputable plumbing companies offer 24-hour service! If a pipe suddenly bursts at three in the morning, you won’t have much time to research different companies—be prepared and do your research beforehand. It’s an easy way to minimize the damage a burst pipe can cause!
Remove Excess Water
You’ve called a plumber and they’re on their way. But even after they fix the pipe, the damage to your home remains. Remove any excess water from your home! This will prevent mold and mildew from building up and causing long-term damage. Don’t forget to move any furniture or valuables from the affected area—insurance doesn’t always cover these items so preventing irreparable damage is important!
Call Top Notch Heating, Cooling & Plumbing for Frozen Pipe Repairs
Don’t let an unexpected burst pipe ruin your family’s home! Make the right choice the first time by calling Top Notch Heating, Cooling & Plumbing for reliable plumbing and HVAC services throughout the Kanas City Metro and Johnson County areas! We will repair your home’s pipes so you can back to your normal routine. Check out our plumbing specials!
Contact or call Top Notch today at 913-535-8002 if you need help with a burst pipe!